
This is the basic configuration file for Restreamer and it is is located in conf/live.json. It hosts settings for different internal aspects of the Restreamer.

Usually you don’t need to change these values. You can safely control them with the available enviroment variables.

Please don’t change these settings if you don’t understand the internals of Restreamer.


    "name": "live"

If you want to add more than one config, you have to change this name to “dev” or something you like and start the application with the env. “MODE=dev” to select the other one.

JSON database

    "jsondb": "db/v1"

The path to the JSON database. More about the JSON database.


    "auth": {
        "username": "admin",   
        "password": "datarhei",
        "token": ""

Default values for the login credentials if they are not set by the environment variables. More about the environment variables.

FFmpeg options

    "ffmpeg": {
        "options": {
            "native_h264_native_audio": {
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-codec copy",
                    "-map 0:v",
                    "-map 0:a",
                    "-map_metadata -1",
                    "-metadata application=datarhei/Restreamer",
                    "-metadata server=NGINX-RTMP",
                    "-f flv"
            "native_h264_no_audio": {
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-vcodec copy",
                    "-map 0:v",
                    "-map_metadata -1",
                    "-metadata application=datarhei/Restreamer",
                    "-metadata server=NGINX-RTMP",
                    "-f flv"
            "native_h264_native_aac": {
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-codec copy",
                    "-map 0:v",
                    "-map 0:a",
                    "-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc",
                    "-map_metadata -1",
                    "-metadata application=datarhei/Restreamer",
                    "-metadata server=NGINX-RTMP",
                    "-f flv"
            "native_h264_silence_aac": {
                "input": "anullsrc=r=44100:cl=mono",
                "inputOptions": [
                    "-f lavfi"
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-vcodec copy",
                    "-acodec aac",
                    "-b:a 0k",
                    "-map 0:v",
                    "-map 1:a",
                    "-map_metadata -1",
                    "-metadata application=datarhei/Restreamer",
                    "-metadata server=NGINX-RTMP",
                    "-f flv"
            "native_h264_transcode_aac": {
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-vcodec copy",
                    "-acodec aac",
                    "-b:a 64k",
                    "-map 0:v",
                    "-map 0:a",
                    "-map_metadata -1",
                    "-metadata application=datarhei/Restreamer",
                    "-metadata server=NGINX-RTMP",
                    "-f flv"
            "native_h264_transcode_mp3": {
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-vcodec copy",
                    "-acodec libmp3lame",
                    "-b:a 64k",
                    "-map 0:v",
                    "-map 0:a",
                    "-map_metadata -1",
                    "-metadata application=datarhei/Restreamer",
                    "-metadata server=NGINX-RTMP",
                    "-f flv"
            "global": {
                "inputOptions": [
                    "-loglevel quiet",
                    "-err_detect ignore_err"
            "rtsp-tcp": {
                "inputOptions": [
                    "-rtsp_transport tcp"
            "snapshot": {
                "outputOptions": [
                    "-vframes 1"

Preset for FFmpeg. The selected presets depend on the incoming stream and the environment variable for the audio setting. By default, it is assumed, that the stream has no audio (native_h264_no_audio). If there is an audio track, native_h264_native_audio will be selected. In case the audio track is encoded with AAC, then the preset native_h264_native_aac gets selected (to fix possible errors in the audio stream). If the audio stream is not supported by the FLV container, it will be transcoded to AAC with the preset native_h264_transcode_aac.

The selection of the incoming video stream preset can be influenced by the RS_AUDIO enviroment variable.

FFmpeg monitor

    "ffmpeg": {
        "monitor": {
            "restart_wait": "6000",  
            "stale_wait": "60000"

The running FFmpeg process is monitored. If the process stops, it will be automatically restarted after restart_wait milliseconds. If the process is stale, i.e. no incoming data is processed, FFmpeg will be automatically restart after stale_wait milliseconds.


    "nginx": {
        "command": "/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx",
        "args": [
        "streaming": {
            "ip": "",
            "rtmp_port": "1935",
            "rtmp_hls_path": "/hls/",
            "http_port": "8080",
            "http_health_path": "/ping"

Preset for the NGINX process. The values in the streaming section reflect what is configured in the nginx.conf file.

Don’t change any of these parameter without changing them accordingly in the nginx.conf file.

Environment variables

    "envVars": [
            "name": "RS_NODEJS_PORT",
            "alias": [
            "type": "int",
            "defaultValue": "3000",
            "required": false,
            "description": "Webserver port of application."

Definition of the available environment variables, their type, default value, and description.