For enabling HTTPS in Restreamer you have three options:

  • provide your certificate directly to Restreamer (BYOC),
  • proxy the requests to Restreamer from a HTTPS enabled webserver, e.g. nginx,
  • use the provided Docker Compose app that does that all for you

Check below for a description of all mentioned options.

BYOC (“Bring Your Own Certificate”)

You will need a valid certificate for the IP or the FQDN, i.e. (sub-)domain, your Restreamer will be reachable at.

The certificate has to be in PEM format. Regarding intermediate certificates the nginx documentation explains: If intermediate certificates should be specified in addition to a primary certificate, they should be specified in the same file in the following order: the primary certificate comes first, then the intermediate certificates.

The key also has to be in PEM format.

Place the certificate and key file as cert.pem and key.pem in a subdirectory called ssl into the directory that you mount to /restreamer/db. E.g. if you mount /mnt/restreamer/db to /restreamer/db, then place the PEM files into /mnt/restreamer/db/ssl. Inside the Docker container, Restreamer expects the certificate and key file as /restreamer/db/ssl/cert.pem and /restreamer/db/ssl/key.pem.

In order enable HTTPS and make Restreamer use the certificate, set the environment variable RS_HTTPS to true and expose the port 8181. Restreamer will listen on port 8181 for incoming HTTPS requests. The normal HTTP port 8080 is still available and can be exposed as well.

The Docker command line would look like:

docker run ... -p 443:8181 -e RS_HTTPS=true -v /mnt/restreamer/db:/restreamer/db ...

Of course, you can map the HTTPS port to any port you prefer.


If you already have a webserver running (e.g. nginx) that serves sites with HTTPS, you can proxy the requests to your Restreamer.


This example for nginx assumes that the Restreamer is listening on localhost:8080.

    server {
    	listen 443 ssl http2;
    	server_name ...;

    	[SSL configuration]

        location /restreamer/ {
    		proxy_http_version 1.1;
    		proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

Check the nginx documentation for more details.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose combines different docker containers to an app. The provided docker-compose.yml in the root of the repository defines such an app that makes the Restreamer available via HTTPS with almost no configuration.

Make a copy of the docker-compose.yml. Now you need to adjust it to your needs. In the restreamer: section edit the environment variables for Restreamer (at least change the default username and password). You might also want to change the directory that is mounted into the Restreamer container to persist your settings in the volumes: section.

In the https-portal section adjust the DOMAINS environment variables to the (sub-)domain you want the Restreamer running on. You have to own the (sub-)domain and it has to point to the IP where Restreamer will run on. Set the value for STAGE to production. This will tell https-portal to pull a valid certificate from Let’s Encrypt. If you only want to try it out without pulling a real certificate from Let’s Encrypt, set the value for STAGE to local and https-portal will generate a self-signed certificate.

In the console, change to the directory where you stored the docker-compose.yml and execute

docker-compose up


docker-compose -f /path/to/docker-compose.yml up

In the default configuration a self-signed certificate for localhost will be generated. After starting the app you can access the Restreamer by entering https://localhost/ into your browser.